You thought you could not do it? Think again

Fathers can stay home with their children, or so did I think when I took the six weeks leave from work. Let's see how it will go.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Nightmare in the doll world


I haven't blogged for almost a year now, and now the need to do so strikes again so here I am. There has been so much that happened in the last year or so, and since I would not know where to start, I will start with this one. Last night, my daughter, Emilie, went to bed and left her doll on the floor close to her bed, on purpose. She woke us up screaming this morning around 5 am, when she realized the doll had found her way back into her bed. She did not know that her mother had taken care of putting her back in the bed, and she expected ''bad people'' to have done it. She is only 4 and a half year old and she needed to be reassured, which I did.

We ended up preparing the sticking cinnamon buns together, as I had prepared the dough the night before, and we just needed to roll the dough, toss some butter and brown sugar and voila. The kids enjoyed doing that with me, and the buns ended up tasting great.

Later, I ended up receiving a call from a company with whom I had gotten a membership with temporarily, but even after 4 or 5 attempts to cancel, they keep trying to charge my credit card, unsucessfully since it changed in the mean time. is a company that rents video game online via mail. They now claim that I never sent the last game back which  I did, and now they are claiming 250$ for a game that sells for maybe 50$. Talk about a ripoff. The guy that called me first pretented to be a lawyer, but then eventually admitted he wasn't. I have had enough of this mascarade, and told him that not only would I not pay, but that I would probably seek compensation and punitive damage against them for abusive processes, false identification and other things, just as a matter of principle, for all of the other people they may screw but who won't do anything about it.

I will let you know what happens. The guy said they would keep calling and I said great, that will convince me to fork over 250 $ for a game worth 50$.

I also cleaned up the hidden playroom I built in a crawled space. See here  for a video of it. The kids love it. I am trying to make it better, slowly but surely.

Finally, I had a little fun with the Roomba to try and clean the kitchen table and test the roomba's abilities to not fall. See the video.  That reminds me of the time last year when I put Jacob on it and he ended up enjoying the ride. See here

Tonight, we are eating out and the babysitter will take care of the three kids.

Alright, let's keep some for later, as I hope not to wait a year prior to posting again.

Cheery all,


Wednesday 23 March 2011

The two cousins in action, Emilie and Laurelie; Jacob and I

Blogging ain't easy

Well I realize that being a father at home is one thing, and I have been able to cope and keep up with that, but now I realize that blogging on a daily basis about it (just blogging by itself takes discipline) is not an easy thing.
You might think it's funny but when I started my blog, I had just seen the movie The social Network. Of course, I know better than to expect to turn a simple blog about me staying at home with my son into a multi billion business. That being said, you always have some excitment at the beginning of a new thing, and in my case, my motivation to blog seemed to have gone missing by day 4.

That being said, it is now day 13 (in business days, of course, I am a professional after all, father or not) and it's going rather well. I am keeping Emily with us every day now, and we have found some rythm. I have to admit that I am not there yet in terms of doing all of the chores. The other day, I started doing the laundry, but never finished it by the time Jude came back. Wait... what did I do all day? Well, I am a father attending to my children's needs, so that's what I did all day that day, attending to their needs. Which were? Well, I guess I should have blogged about it then because I don't remember a single thing.

Yesterday, I had to take Jacob to the clinic, as he had some huge rash all around his neck. We thought it might simply be eczema, but we could not be sure and it was not getting any better so off we went. Diagnosis confirmed, and it's already getting better today.

I decided to make it more interesting today so I invited Emilie's cousin, Laurelie, to stay with us today. Needless to say Emilie was excited. As I am typing this, they are quietly playing together while Jacob is naping, and I thought this was my chance to get this blog back on track before it was too late.

I will report back later today, for those interested.

Cheers, fellow readers (yes, I am expecting comments from you people, don't be shy)